In the podcast this week... Today's special 100th episode features the collection of interivews I had during Historyco...
Jobber Talk - Interview with GrabCamus!
In the podcast this week... This episode features our interview with Raf Camus (a.k.a. GrabCamus) of Philippine Wrestling ...
Jobber Talk - What If pt. 2 - CM Punk and WWE in 2014
In the podcast this week... We got Joseph Montecillo and John for today's What If episode 2. This week we give our tak...

Bodega Nights - Harry Potter with Rom and Charlie
A bunch of friends get together every now and then. This podcast makes sure it happens . Welcome to Bode...

Third World Linux - Reformat
In the podcast this week... Joao talks into the void in his free time. --- Download the episode he...
Jobber Talk - PWR Live: Homefront review w/ Hiram
In the podcast this week... Hiram (a.k.a. Tito T.T.) returns to the podcast to tell Martin what went down at last week...

Third World Gaming - Episode 47: Video Game News Talk w/ Migs and SwordNine
Martin, Migs, and Charles (a.k.a. SwordNine) join forces for a very loaded episode of Third World Gaming f...
Jobber Talk - MWF 4 Review
In the podcast this week... Martin does his MWF 4: Road to Fate Review. --- Links: Jobber Talk on Facebook PWR 201...
Jobber Talk - What If? Episode 1 - Goldberg's WCW Streak
In the podcast this week... Martin with his special guests Kel Fabie and Joseph Montecillo tackle the very first episode o...