--- In the podcast this week... Joao does his quick review of Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr --- Down...

--- In the podcast this week... Joao does his quick review of Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr --- Down...
--- In the podcast this week... Joao and AG talk about... Heartbleed (change your passwords) And...
--- In the podcast this week... Miko and Paulo talk about RTS games with special guests Joao and Law...
--- In the podcast this week... Joao and AG couldn't get together to record so Joao tries to expl...
--- In the podcast this week... Miko and Paulo talk about fighting games with special guests Jibi an...
--- In the podcast this week... We talk about new users. --- Download and Subscribe... Subs...
--- In the podcast this week... Miko and Paulo talk about ARVRIR!!!. --- Download and Subscrib...
--- In the podcast this week... In the spirit of open source, Joao and AG discuss possible future epi...
--- In the podcast this week... This week, Miko and Paulo talk about micro transactions. --- D...