In the podcast this week... Martin interviews Zayden Trudeau for maybe the final time. By then you guys have known that hi...

Third World Gaming - Episode 46: Brawlfest 2018
Brawlfest 2018 happened a few days back and Martin was there to get the inside scoop! Martin interviews Ad...
Jobber Talk - MWF @ Historycon 2018 Review
In the podcast this week... Martin discusses his visit to Historycon 2018 where he saw 3 days of wrestling from MWF (featu...
Jobber Talk - TDTxECX on Jobbertalk!
In the podcast this week... One of PWR's hottest tag teams are here! Trian Dela Torre and Evan Carleaux, the Naughty B...
Jobber Talk - State of the Jobber Talk Address + PWR Live: WotC Review
In the podcast this week... We have a first ever State of the Jobber Talk Address (S.O.J.A.) before we go to the main revi...
Jobber Talk - Bueza reviews MWF 3: Republika
In the podcast this week... Michael Bueza of Rappler returns to Jobber Talk for his review of MWF 3: Republika. Shout out ...

Third World Gaming - Episode 45: Persona 4 Podcast w/ SwordNine
Martin and Charles (a.k.a. SwordNine) discuss ANOTHER Persona game. This time it's Persona 4 , which c...
Jobber Talk - Kel Fabie on PWR Live: Re5peto and MWF 3: Republika
In the podcast this week... Kel Fabie "critcizes his own critique" of PWR Live: RE5PETO. The two also mark out f...

Third World Gaming - Episode 44: Post-E3 Analysis w/ Migs
Migs Lopez of Critical Index is back and he will give us the run-down on some E3 news and Nintendo's s...