In the podcast this week... Martin would have gotten on his high horse and rant about something but that's not what Jo...

Third World Gaming - Episode 43: Overwatch Talk w/ Daks
Martin has a brief chat with the coach of Miraculum E-Sports Club and a contributor of, D...
Jobber Talk - Buezthree: Bueza reviews MWF 2
In the podcast this week... Michael Bueza of Rappler returns to Jobber Talk for his MWF 2 Review. --- Links: Ask Bu...
Jobber Talk - The 'slightly longer' Wrevolution X Review
In the podcast this week... Martin's 'slightly longer' version of his Wrevolution X Review (starts @ 3:44). He...
Jobber Talk - Homecoming with Ouel and Robin Sane
In the podcast this week... Today's episode is all about 'Homecoming'. PWR comes home to the iAcademy for PWR ...
Jobber Talk - WWE Network 30 Day Reflection and a Special Interivew
In the podcast this week... Martin (@ 3:18) shares his personal experience in using the WWE Network's 30 day trial las...

Third World Gaming - Episode 42: Persona 5 Character Discussion Podcast w/ SwordNine (pt. 2)
Martin and Charles (a.k.a. SwordNine) discuss the characters that make up Persona 5. This is Part 2, the f...
Jobber Talk - PWR Live Trapik Review
In the podcast this week... Martin reviews PWR Live: Trapik. That's it. Really. In the off-tangent segment...there...

Third World Gaming - Episode 41: Migs's Japan Trip and Other Stuff (ft. Critical Index)
Migs returns to Third World Gaming to talk to Martin about his Japan trip. The trip featured his visits to...