Friday, May 17, 2019

In the podcast this week...

We got to talk to former WWE and ECW Pro Wrestler Yoshihiro Tajiri. He talked about his time at WWE, his experience back at Joshi+Jam 2014, and his thoughts on his opponent: Fabio Makisig.
Tajiri will be part of Manila Wrestling Federation's MWF 8: Halalan Special 2k19 at the Venice Grand Canal Mall, McKinley Hill, Taguig on Saturday, May 18, 2019, at 5PM. The show is FREE of charge!


Jobber Talk on Facebook
MWF 8: Halalan Special 2K19
Joshi+Jam Manila via
Southside Wrestling Presents Adrenaline Rush 2019 (Ft. Tajiri and TJ Perkins)

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