Saturday, October 27, 2018

In the podcast this week...

Today's special 100th episode features the collection of interivews I had during Historycon 2018 at the World Trade Center in Pasay City from August 10 to 12, 2018. These interviews were with the Wrestlers, Creative Heads, and guests of the Manila Wrestling Federation (MWF) during their 3-day Wrestling Showcase. This is MWF: Making History. In the off-tangent segment (@56:22), we get some 'behind the scenes' randomness with the "Naughty Boys" of Philippine Wrestling and Hizon!.



Jobber Talk on Facebook
Jobber Talk's Historycon 2018 Review
MWF History Maker Rumble Results and Stats
MWF Insider Blog
Download the episode (right click and click 'save as')


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