Saturday, May 26, 2018

In the podcast this week...

Martin's 'slightly longer' version of his Wrevolution X Review (starts @ 3:44). He did have a smaller/shorter review at Kayfabe Cafe, but he would like to 'oversaturate' PH podcasting this weekend.

He rambles about the Persona 3 and 5 dancing games and the NBA Playoffs in the off-tangent segment (starts @ 44:25). Stick around if you want his random musings about those topics.



Martin's Kayfabe Cafe Invasion
Official Statement of PWR on James "Idol" Martinez
PWR suspends wrestler after dangerous spot at 'Wrevolution X'
PWR Wrevolution X 2018 – The Homecoming (c/o
MWF 2: Maki-Wrestling, 'Wag Matakot Facebook Events Page
Download the episode (right click and click 'save as')


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