Saturday, February 17, 2018

In the podcast this week...

Martin has a special guest with him to talk about PWR Live: Holding Hands While Wrestling. His guest is Rappler's own Michael Bueza (starts at 1:35) who gives us a match by match account of the entire show. For the international audience, Martin sought out his CH14 International Correspondents Sovi and Yvi (start at 48:44) who were there as well to talk about the show in general and specific matches like the tag team match of TDTxECX vs. Zayden Trudeau and Bolt.

In the off-tangent segment (starts at 55:55), Martin is joined by a Canadian friend who he would like to challenge in a friendly match of Tekken 7.



Martin's Curious Cat (ask him stuff)
Bueza's Curious Cat (ask him SERIOUS stuff...or FUN stuff!)
"PWR Live: HHWW" Review by Michael Bueza on Rappler
MWF Open House: Level UP trailer
Download the episode (right click and click 'save as')


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but if you're oldschool, email us


17 Feb 2018