It's after midnight, and I find myself Awake.
The night is silent, save for the low rumble of the fan next to me, and the occasional airplane flying overhead.
Tomorrow is a few hours away. Tomorrow is a coffee shop on a side-street, where early in the morning you'll see ad agency women with big backpacks and 6-inch heels on the way to work.
But right now, I have to contend with my own listlessness, and how it feels.
It's annoying. A ball of frustration bordering on fury.
That I am no longer me, that somehow the me that was fine and well is somewhere else, at another's beck and call.
And I hate that. I built me. Nothing and nobody else should get to take it away, play with it, and return it how they will.
I am mine, and every day I will fight for me until it's true again.
Download the episode here.
Download Radio Norm Season 1: The Torrent
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music taken from http://audionautix.com