Thursday, April 14, 2016


 4:30 p.m. - At a cemetery looking up at the sky.
A talk with a friend that's both real and imagined.
We are taking turns taking photos of the sky.
Communication is complex. Complicated.
Even if the message is simple it is easily misunderstood
when you have to read between the in betweens of lines.
We try to figure out what shapes of the clouds look like.
Surprisingly no jokes about the zombies despite our location.
I'm trying to fill a void in me that has started sapping me of joy. Of purpose.
Trying to find something to bring me back to life.
Fitting location I suppose.
We are sitting on the grass.
We're not supposed to but by the time they find out it's time to leave anyway.
Did you like Norm's existential crisis?


Download the episode here. 

Download Radio Norm Season 1: The Torrent


channelfourteen is @chFourteen on twitter
channelfourteen is also on Google+
but if you're oldschool, email 

music taken from 
