Saturday, April 2, 2016

In the podcast this week...

Martin and John give their predictions for both the WWE NXT Takeover: Dallas and Wrestlemania 32.

 We gave our predictions a day BEFORE we found out the finalized card so...
Our predictions for the 10-Diva tag match are as follows:

Martin: Team Total Diva
John: Team B.A.D. and Blonde

 ALSO...this was taped a FEW HOURS before we found out that you can view WWE NXT Takeover: Dallas... LIVE from Wingman at UP TownCenter.

Join us!

It starts at 10AM or something like that.

 Erratum: Apparently we didn't realize the New Day vs League of Nations was a handicap match.

Download the episode here.

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but if you're oldschool, email us
