Tuesday, February 9, 2016

In the podcast this week...

We make a list of some distro categories we'd like to see.

The List So Far...

AG's 2 Gigabyte Club (the bigger the better).
Distros That Would Look Good Next to an Olivia Munn Poster.
Sciencey Distros.
The Desktop Environment Hipster Distros.
Distros for Preaching the Gospel of Linux (reliable distros that just work).
Distros for Preaching the Gospel of Linux (fucking cool).
Joke Distros.
Distros Too Niche to Function.
Distros You Can Bring Home to Your Parents (old people proof).
Distros You Can Bring Home to Your Parents (sweet, simple, a bit quirky but not crazy).
The Workhorses.
Distress With Funky Names.
Distress That Purport to be for Beginners but Aren't Really.
God Mode Distros.
Distros That Third World Linux Knows Exist but Consistently Forgets to Mention Them.

Listen and Subscribe... 


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but if you're oldschool, email us
