Thursday, February 25, 2016


 5:43 AM -  To call this a road would be a gross exaggeration.
A flattened dirt path just wide enough for vehicles to pass.
A tour van heading out of town with people
who are little more than extended acquaintances from work.
A karaoke machine serves as an ice breaker as we pass around songbooks.
Echo set to max.
We used to be stuck in the same room together.
Now we’re stuck in the same van.
A vacation with strangers.
Together, we are alone and vice versa.
Suffering an itinerary packed with so much value,
 there’s little more to do than get out, take a photo, and get back in.
Next, photos with sand dunes.
I remember the van more than the destination.
That’s what I paid for.
Memories of a van and photos for Facebook.
I was here. Look, I’m smiling.
3 days of small talk and a thousand selfies.
The hotel does not have a photo.
It's dark, dank, and haunted.
Ignore the growing stains in the ceiling.
The random scratches at night.
The blood in the cabinet.
I’d prefer the safety of the van.
The van is home.
The van is life.
This was Radio Norm signing out.


Download the episode here. 
Download Radio Norm Season 1: The Torrent


channelfourteen is @chFourteen on twitter
channelfourteen is also on Google+
but if you're oldschool, email 

music taken from 
